Hi! Everyone calls me Karen, a degree holder of Business Administration Major in Financial and Management Accounting.  I have a strong financial background since I’ve worked with banking institution. I’ve been a book keeper and a bank teller. Not too long I switch my career and found BPO industry. Right now I have 5 years of unified experience on this industry and a 2 years on remote set up. I have great communication skills through phone, email and through chat. I know how to do business and retails sales.  In my years of experience, I was able to mastered my communication skills , critical skills, financial skills and my administrative skills.

If you want to see my portfolio, kindly see more on this button.


  • Family Oriented – A loving Mom for my 3 adorable kids. They are the reason for my hard work and why I switch over to freelancing
  • Wanderer – I have this desire to travel and explore most specially when its nature. I wander so much for Gods creation and natural beauty of mountains and country side that’s the reason why I prefer going to beaches or do mountain climbing.
  • PERFORMER – I have this love for music, dancing and acting. To be honest I can say that I am also a frustrated artist hahaha.
  • Sentimental -Even though I am a millennial mom I was born in transition era of 90’s to 20’s and because of that I can say that one of the most thing that I am fun of doing as well is to take pictures and keeping letters. Yes, I have this enthusiasm way back when I was in grade school, wherein as I always explain to other people that I didn’t value the papers or the looks but what memories I have with it.

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